13 August — Tuesday

It’s around 35 degrees today. A friend of mine wants to change his shirt before going out at night, so I have to wait downstairs for 10 minutes. There is a grocery store, which makes me realize how much I need something sweet.

The grocery store is quite a small place and there aren’t a lot of options: Snickers, Twix, Bueno - which I think are all too aggresive for the weather. Then there is Cadbury, Toblerone and Milky Way - really don’’t feel like any. It’s way too hot.

I take some time, so I let the next person pass. He buys a coke as I keep looking at the options, going through one package to the other. Toblerone, Milky way, Cadbury, Bounty…Bounty. Do I want a Bounty? It has coconut. Also it has two pieces in a package. Let me think. Snickers, Twix… Cadbury… Bounty! Yes, I think… Yes. Bounty it is.

I put it on the counter.
- Cash or card?
Asks the cashier.
- Card.
- £2 minimum.
- How much is a Bounty?
- £0.80.
- Ah ok.

I have a look at the rest of the chocolate bars and to the person behind me who has a black helmet, a very light brown t-shirt and a belly, I say:

“Go ahead man, I need to decide what else I should get.”

I really don’t want to get any more chocolate.

In the meantime the man with the helmet puts a cold can of RedBull on the counter.

- Cash or card?
Asks the cashier.
- Card.
- £2 minimum.
- How much is a RedBull?
- £1.35.

I wait for a second and say “I’ll get that for you.” But the man acts even faster, pulls the Bounty out of my hand and quickly taps his card on the card machine and gives me the Bounty, proudly, like a superhero.

I thank Helmet Man generously. “Thank you Helmet Man. I will be forever grateful for your kind gesture.”

We both leave the grocery store. It’s so hot outside. He goes right, towards his delivery scooter, I go left towards my friend’s door. I open the Bounty as fast as I can and eat the first piece in two bites. It’s exactly what I needed. I look up and see the man sitting on his scooter drinking the RedBull in one go. We look at each other for a second, and finish what we have.

Helmet Man starts his scooter and passes in front of me. We both smile and wave - I mean he has a helmet so I hope he smiles too.

Now I’m alone, still waiting for my friend. The street is empty. The euphoria of the interaction fades. The trees don’t move, not a single leaf, neither my friend’s door. I feel happy about this exchange but can’t help but thinking why he had to take the Bounty out of my hand and put it on the counter, instead of just paying for it.

I start feeling like having another Bounty.